Information required from you, if we’re completing your self-assessment return.
Please note not all of the information will be applicable to you, it depends on your personal circumstances and income, each tax year runs from 6th April to 5th April each year, and is due before the 31st January following the 5th April.
All the information below applies only to the tax year in question.
If you have anything not listed below which you believe we may need, please send this over to us and we can take a look for you.
Income Types
Details of any benefits/support payments from the government.
Capital Gains
Purchase price of the asset.
Sale price.
Any associated costs with the purchase or sale.
Any further relevant details you believe we may need.
Details of anything received from any shares you have in any company.
Details and documents for any money received from overseas.
Documents supporting any foreign tax deducted from yourself.
Details of anything received from any bank accounts, saving accounts, investment accounts etc.
All partnership income and expenditure incurred.
Bank Statements, as both PDF and CSV formats.
Details of any mileage completed for the business only (for each partner).
Value of stock held on the final day of the tax year.
Your monthly mobile phone payments and the % you use it for the business only (for each partner).
If you work from home:
The number of hours per month (for each partner).
Your monthly costs for electricity, gas, water, council tax, mortgage interest or rent, internet. How many rooms your house has, the number of these you use for the business, and the % of these which are used for the business only (for each partner).
Any P60/P45/P11D forms from your employer.
Any expenses you’ve incurred in your employment not reimbursed.
Details of any redundancy or compensation amounts received.
The total amount you received.
Any P60/Annual Certificate received.
Rental & Property
All rental income and expenditure incurred.
All management charge invoices.
Mortgage Statements.
Full Address for each property.
Confirmation the property is being let as a traditional monthly rental, or a furnished holiday let (Airbnb).
Self Employed
All sole trader income and expenditure incurred.
Bank Statements, as both PDF and CSV formats.
Details of any mileage completed for the business only.
Value of stock held on the final day of the tax year.
Your monthly mobile phone payments and the % you use it for the business only.
If you work from home:
The number of hours per month.
Your monthly costs for electricity, gas, water, council tax, mortgage interest or rent, internet. How many rooms your house has, the number of these you use for the business, and the % of these which are used for the business only.
Other Charges
Child Benefit
The amount you or your partner have received, in child benefit, if either of your income’s is over £50,000.
Student Loans
Details of your student loan plan type.
The remaining balance owed.
Marriage Allowance
Confirmation you’re claiming marriage allowance, and if you’re transferring this to or from your partner.
Your partner’s name, date of birth, NI number and your marriage date.
Payments into a Pension
Details of any payments into a pension scheme. (not including contributions via your employment).
Payments to Charity
Details of any payments made to a charity under gift aid.
Your UK residential status for the previous 3 tax years, if we haven’t completed all of these returns.
The number of days you spent in the UK during the tax year.
Confirmation of your only home being in the UK, or not.
If you worked full time overseas during the year.
Works more than 35 hours p/w overseas, and
No breaks more than 30 days, and
Worked less than 30 days in the UK, and
Spent less than 91 days in the UK during the tax year.
If you worked full time in the UK during the year.
For a 365-day period, (can overlap into different tax years), worked more than 35 hours p/w, and
Worked in the UK on more than 75% of their total working days, and
At least one day of the 365, must have been for more than 3 hours.
Information required from you, if we’re completing your Limited Company Accounts and Tax Return.
Please note not all of the information will be applicable to you, it depends on your companys’s circumstances and income, your accounting period all of this information relates to doesn’t change each year, we will have already provided this to you, but if in doubt, please ask us.
All the information below applies only to the accounting period in question.
If you have anything not listed below which you believe we may need, please send this over to us and we can take a look for you.
Bookkeeping Information
All sales for the year:
Sales Invoices.
Reports from your POS System.
Reports from your Online Sales Platform.
If you aren’t sure where to start, we’re happy to login to these accounts for you, to download the information required, if you would like us to do this, please provide your login details.
All expenses for the year:
Expenses and Receipts.
Purchase Invoices from Suppliers.
Statements from any suppliers.
Bank Statements, as both PDF and CSV formats, for all bank accounts and credit cards that were owned by the business only.
Please ensure we have a complete set of bank statements for the full period, as these are required, if we have any gaps, this will slow down the turnaround time for you.
If you have spent money for the company on your personal account, please send this over an annotate any of these transactions.
Accounts Information
Confirmation of any debtors outstanding at the end of the period.
Details of the sale or purchase of any assets.
Details of any mileage completed for the company only.
Value of stock held at the end of the period.
Your monthly mobile phone payments.
If you work from home:
The number of hours per month.
Your monthly costs for electricity, gas, water, council tax, mortgage interest or rent, internet. How many rooms your house has, the number of these you use for the business, and the % of these which are used for the business only.